Hello all Penneloafers,
I want to take this opportunity to reach out to all of our members to update everyone on the results of the November 21, 2024 Business meeting.
There were 3 seats on the PenneLoafers Board being vacated by Ray Vail - President, Mary Dempsey - Secretary, Walt Lenard - Webmaster and Alfred Cosentino - Supplies Coordinator. I would like to thank them for the many hours they dedicated to keep our club running smoothly. Thank You!
Nominations were held to fill the 3 seats on the Board. Brian Lillis, Elliot Lefkowitz, and Dave Schlesinger accepted the nominations and have joined the Board. Directly after the meeting the Board met and elected the new officers. Your new 2024-2025 PenneLoafers Board is as follows:
President - Ken Farnsworth
Vice President - Sue Malcolm
Treasurer - Rick Giroux
Secretary - Elliot Lefkowitz
Membership - Kathy Van Fleet
Logistics Coordinator - Dave Schlesinger
Member at Large - Carolee Litwinka
Member at Large - Brian Lillis
I want to thank our board members for their willingness to donate their time, efforts, and skills to our club.
Tentative 2025 Events:
January - Left Right Center game; Rick & Fran Giroux
February - Family Feud type game; Doc & Holly Templeton
March - Nite Golf; Bob & Christy Jahncke
April - Poker Run; Ken Farnsworth & Carolee Litwinka
May - Derby Day; Ray & Pat Vail
June, July, and August - Movie Night; Helen & Steve Greenberg, Cat Boats; Doug & Sue Malcolm
September - Open
October - Halloween Party; Coordinator Needed
November - Business Meeting
December - Christmas Party; Coordinator Needed
Other possible events:
Civic Information presentation, Casino Night, Sock Hop, Prom Night, Wine Night, Line Dancing ,Bingo ??????????
If you have an idea for an event and would like to host it, please let a board member know. We are always open to new and fun ideas.
Just a reminder: 2025 PenneLoafer Dues are being collected. If you have not paid your 2025 dues, Kathy Van Fleet will be collecting them at the Christmas Party. She also has a drop box at her house which is 1691 Pennecamp Dr. Dues are the same as 2024, $10/pp.
Ken Farnsworth - President |