Hello all Penneloafers,
I want to take this opportunity to reach out to all of our members to update everyone on what is happening in our club. One of the biggest things is this updated Website. A big shout out to Doug Malcolm the Web Developer for updating the site. All of the council members worked on the requirements of the site but Sue Malcolm and Carolee Litwinka did the lions share of the work on testing and communicating the changes required. Hopefully, all of our members will enjoy the new website.
Also, the council has been working on updating the PenneLoafers By Laws. Elliot Lefkowitz our secretary has worked countless hours making the necessary revisions. This should be completed in February.
If you were not at last month's event Left-Right-Center you missed out on a great time. A big thank you to Rick & Fran Giroux for putting on a great event. Everyone really enjoyed making their own tacos!
If you have an idea for an event and would like to host it, please let a board member know. We are always open to new and fun ideas.
Just a reminder: 2025 PenneLoafer Dues are being collected. If you have not paid your 2025 dues, Kathy Van Fleet will be collecting them at the drop box at her house which is 1691 Pennecamp Dr. Dues are the same as 2024, $10/pp.
Ken Farnsworth - President |